Buzzing! videos

STOP PRESS:  Since our first lockdown in Spring 2020, I’ve been creating special ‘learning through laughter, rhythm and rhyme’ nature poem videos to help you and your kids learn more about the minibeasts and birds you’re likely to see where you are.  These videos include lots of poems from Buzzing! Watch these videos here.

There are two sorts of Buzzing! videos on this page:

  1.  Videos of me performing some of the poems in my award-winning book Buzzing! Discover the poetry in garden minibeasts
  2. Videos of some of the minibeasts that appear in my Buzzing! book.

None of them are the world’s best videos. They’re just here to give you a flavour!
(View more of my poetry videos here or on my YouTube channel.)

Oh, and if you’re after Bumblebee videos only, then you’ll find those here.

Poem videos

Doug (page 80)

Jane Bond (page 12)

Bee-fly (page 18)

Steve and his colleagues (page 102)

Minibeast videos

Berberis Sawfly laying its eggs (see page 74). This is the long version.

Berberis Sawfly laying its eggs (see page 74). This is the shorter version.

Tree Bumblebees (see page 78, where the poem Madame Honfleur appears, about one Tree Bumblebee.) This video is another instance of Tree Bumblebees in our garden. This time, they were nesting! Find out more about that appearance here.

View more of my poetry videos here or on my YouTube channel.

Order your signed copy of Buzzing! here.

Anneliese Emmans Dean – theBigBuzz – Bringing poetry to life